Simier Partners is a trusted thought partner for organizations, executives and teams seeking professional growth and development. We provide solutions for each professional challenge clients face as they turn new corners. Our executive coaching programs are tailored to capitalize on strengths and overcome obstacles so clients achieve immediate results.


Our international team consults with and coaches business leaders and teams who work across borders and different cultures.

We help executives make the most of expatriate assignments, develop global leadership skills and bridge cultural differences to achieve their goals.

  • I work across jurisdictions. Communication is sometimes a challenge and cultural differences can lead to misunderstanding. My coach at Simier Partners is an expert at navigating a multi-cultural environment. She ultimately helped our practice group improve its overall performance.”
    – Law Firm Global Practice Group Leader

  • Simier Partners Consultants are my trusted advisers. When I encounter roadblocks, I know I can pick up the phone and talk through whatever obstacle I am facing. I attribute a lot of my success in navigating difficult situations to Simier Partners.”
    – Board Member, International Corporation

Simier Partners offers clients a wide network of resources around the globe including career management and executive search firms, HR consultants, and leaders in academia, psychology and science to fill gaps and inspire new ambitions. See our network of resources here. 


Our personalized leadership and executive coaching programs are tailored to capitalize on strengths and overcome obstacles so clients achieve immediate results.


Our coaches and consultants have served as senior executives at organizations within Fortune/FTSE 500 companies and the industries our clients operate, bringing a depth of understanding and fresh commercial perspectives to each engagement. Learn more.